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Harris Brook Elementary School


About the School

Harris Brook Elementary School

209 FULLER STREET |  LUDLOW, MA 01056 |  PHONE 413-583-5031/413-583-5695  |  FAX 413 583-5630/413 583-5627 




Illustration of a compass.


At Harris Brook, students will be provided with a high-quality learning experience and explore an enriched curriculum. Each member of our school community promotes inclusive learning and fosters a sense of belonging for all. Each day we will explore our curiosity, discover our interests and grow in our love of learning. 


Be responsible and respectful

 Everyone belongs

 Show your best effort


A coordinated whole school effort to increase student achievement in the area of text comprehension as measured by oral and written assessements (MCAS, BAS, district tests and classroom formal and informal assessments. 

Ludlow Public Schools educators will implement strategies for creating student-led classrooms in which all students are inspired and empowered to take charge of their learning.


Positive Behavior Intervention and Strategies initiative (PBIS) is a proactive, consistent approach to school-wide discipline. By using the PBIS model at Harris Brook Elementary School, it is hoped that there will be a  reduction in disciplinary interventions and an increase in academic achievement – giving teachers more time to teach and students more time to learn. The purpose of the school-wide PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm.

  • Harris Brook Elementary School opened it's doors to students in grades 2-5 in the fall of 2021.  

    Academic success  and emotional growth for all students at Harris Brook Elementary School is of utmost importance.  Staff and students are committed to creating a safe, supportive and respectful environment dedicated to learning. Students and staff will create a learning community that provides supports for students to make effective progress toward mastery in all social and academic areas. 

    We will start by looking at data to identify students who require extra supports and as in the past, all identified student needs will be supported through our Tiered Supports.

    At Harris Brook we implement the workshop model in all curriculum areas to foster students’ abilities to think critically, use evidence to support thinking and apply skills at an independent level. Students have the opportinutues to be creative and collaborate with one another through social interactions and the use of technology. We work to provide students with the skills and supports needed to become responsible, independent citizens in the social and digital world.  

    We would appreciate your consideration to be an active member the Ludlow Elementary PTO.  The PTO is an integral part of our East Street and Harris Brook families as it provides enhancements to our students’ learning opportunities at school. 

    We have appreciated the strong home and school connection established at both Chapin Street and veterans Park Schools and look forward to continuing to build on this relationship to benefit our students. 

  • Harris Brook Elementary School has two full-time school adjustment counselors, BCBA as well as a licensed social worker on site. They will work together to support all students and determine what supports are needed to ensure we are meeting the core competencies for social-emotional learning. This year we will be utilizing the Panorama Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Questionaire which measures student mindsets, behaviors, and attitudes that might be related to success in school and beyond the classroom.  

  • The Woodland Way

    Harris Brook Elementary School

    We are kind (bunnies)

    We are playful (ducklings)

    We are unique (hedgehogs)

    We are curious (chipmunks)

    We are clever (coyotes)

    We are strong (bear)

    We are wise (owl)

    We are adventurous (hawks)